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Ven y haz

algo de magia propia.

Eres bienvenido a visitar


Nuestro atento y experto personal lo guiará a través de nuestra lista de cata de vinos y lo ayudará a encontrar vinos que se adapten a su paladar y a su presupuesto. Abierto todos los días de 10 a. M. A 5 p. M.


Día de Acción de Gracias - CERRADO
Nochebuena 10 a.m. - 3 p. M.
Día de Navidad - CERRADO
Nochevieja 10 a.m. - 3 p. M.
Día de Año Nuevo - CERRADO

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Thursday, October 19

12:30-4:30 pm

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Bask in the fresh air while local artist Vanda Lavar helps you create a beautiful, original en plein air painting!


Guests will choose an enchanting Boeger scene to come alive on their canvas. Do you love rolling vineyards popping with fall colors, historic buildings set amongst the trees and vines, or a classic car perched in the vineyard?

This event is user-friendly for beginner as well as intermediate and advanced painters.

Please bring a sun hat, palette, sunscreen, and an easel if you prefer to stand. An easel will be provided for seated guests.

For beginners, Vanda will help you sketch the scene.


Tickets are $95 per person or $85 for club members.

Your ticket includes a glass of wine, instructions from Vanda, an 11x14 canvas, acrylic paint, paintbrushes, and accouterments.

Some oil paints will also be available. Guests also receive a 15% discount on wine bottle purchases made that day.


Click here to purchase your ticket!

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